A clear pixel

Morn. Twilight: 7:17 A.M.
Sunrise: 7:45 A.M.
Sunset: 6:30 P.M.
Duration: 10h, 45m
Eve. Twilight: 6:59 A.M.
Visible Light: 11h, 41m


There are different ways of contacts depending on your need.

  • If you need to contact the web team, you may send e-mail (make sure you include a contact name) or feedback.

  • If you need to send postal mail, you may write to this address:

    Florence Futures Foundation
    5215 Jackson St.
    Florence, Nebraska 68106-1331

  • If you need to contact someone before, you may send (Make sure you include a contact name and return address).

You may also send feedback or Request for Information.

Please note that this web site is owned and operated by the Florence Futures Foundation organization.  We publish details on all events in Florence, including those that are organized by other organizations.  For example, the Florence Days event, the Florence Days Parade, and Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony are organized by the Florence Historical Foundation.  The Florentine Players are a subset of the Florence Historical Foundation.  Make sure that you note the correct phone number for an event since there are different ones for each.

Spammers are Scum A link for e-mail searchers to gather some e-mail addresses